Musings of a third culture kid...wife...mother on life, family, and the way it is in my corner of the world.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Red Sea Musings

Lately I've been reminded again and again of the parting of the Red Sea.
Actually, I have felt like I am standing at the edge of my own personal Red Sea.
Behind me are the armies of Nay Sayers, the Lying Whisperers, and the
Noise Makers that try to drown out the Song of Deliverance. Before me is
the impossible obstacle that is roaring and threatening to stop my forward
movement. Oh, it's my old enemy, the wind and the waves that threaten to
keep me from walking on water (or dry land...)!

Sometimes I can barely breathe with the fear that grips me. Is this how those
Israelites felt? They had to hear the pounding of the army coming towards
them! They must have understood the impossibility of their situation. It was
a desperate, amazing-everything-hanging-in-the-balance time frame. How
did they not buckle under the intensity of it all? Were they moaning and
groaning in agony, believing that this "Deliverance" was just a huge trap?
Yup. I can relate to their mental challenges as they crowded there by
the Red Sea.

This is my question, fact every few minutes. How do we stand and
believe impossibilities will be possible when our own frail bodies are reacting
to their own inner fear-meter. It is not a mind over matter thing. I cannot
tell myself to not notice the wind and the waves. They make themselves
abundantly clear to me, through my sight, my hearing, through all my senses.
So all the "human" parts of me are screaming: LOOK OUT, You are
Going to ______(Fail, Drown, be Ruined, etc).

Somehow, in this, I'm supposed to be still and know that He is God. I am
supposed to not walk by sight but by the Spirit. I am supposed to let
the big He inside me be bigger than the he that is in the world. These are
truths I know...but now I need them in my DNA, somehow transforming
me into a thoroughly human/spiritual being that is able to overcome the
cacophony of sensations the present world is throwing at my physical self.
It is a death to part of me that has been in charge all my life, the self-
protection, self-preservation part. The 'figure it out by what you see in
the natural' part of myself.Faith seems to be synonymous with trust,
and trusting that the One who has brought me here, to the edge of this
Sea, will show me a completely, never done before way-- forward,
regardless of the circumstances which surround me.


  1. Amen. Do we ever totally figure this out?

  2. If we did figure it, would we need faith? Or is this part of the mystery of faith?
    Good thinkin' post, Pam. Thanks.

  3. Hi Pam--

    Mics and I just came through a week of training with Paul Cox of Aslan's place. I highly recommend his website: There are many "crafted" prayers on it that might address some of the issues you raise. Read them aloud! Indeed, it is in our DNA that we need to be transformed--this is a physical transaction with spiritual manifestations. Especially check out the Prayer for Divine Intervention and to Release You into Your Birthright.

  4. Thanks for sharing - it was my mid-day devotion and will continue to make me think throughout the rest of my day! Cindy

  5. Your musings always speak to deep places within me. I've heard it said recently that God is calling His prophets to the wilderness, and will come out with a strong voice and clear msg, as John the Baptist did, as Jesus did, as the Apostle Paul had his "alone" time.

    Still contending. "To the King", dear friend.

  6. Amen, Pam! I also keep saying to myself and others standing at that seaside... "Nothing is impossible with God." because we just seem to always forget that and seek our own boat to get across.

    Love you! Laurie
